Creating Routes and REST points

Basic GET route

The following is an example of a basic GET end point which returns an array of cars. The response variable is always required if you want to let Tina4 create the correct response headers.

\Tina4\Get::add("/api/cars", function(\Tina4\Response $response) {
    $cars = ["BMW", "Honda", "Toyota"];

    return $response($cars);

You could also do the following:

\Tina4\Get::add("/api1/cars", function() {
    $cars = ["BMW", "Honda", "Toyota"];

    echo json_encode($cars);

Notice that you have to encode the $cars variable to get the same result and the headers will probably not be correct. In order to test these routes or end points, create a file under src/routes called cars.php and paste the above code in that file:


\Tina4\Get::add("/api/cars", function(\Tina4\Response $response) {
    $cars = ["BMW", "Honda", "Toyota"];

    return $response($cars);

\Tina4\Get::add("/api1/cars", function() {
    $cars = ["BMW", "Honda", "Toyota"];

    echo json_encode($cars);

Test both end points by navigating the routes below

Notice that the first end point has the correct headers and displays the JSON data correctly in the browser.

Basic POST route

The following POST route responds with the posted data. You will need to post a form token to this route to get the response otherwise you will get a 403 forbidden response.

\Tina4\Post::add("/sign-up", function(\Tina4\Response $response, \Tina4\Request $request) {

    return $response($request);

You can use the sign-up.twig form in Html forms and tokens to test the POST route

Routes with inline parameters

Routes are very useful if you can pass "data" to them in a request. Inline parameters are described by using {} braces.

Consider the following route declaration:

\Tina4\Get::add("/api/members/{id}", function($id, \Tina4\Response $response, \Tina4\Request $request) {

    return $response("Looking for member {$id}");

The {id} is the inline param. For example a person calling the end point as /api/members/10 would result in the $id variable being populated with 10.

Hot Tips

  • Response objects take three variable inputs, content, response code and content type.
  • Look at advanced topics for dynamic route examples.